Starting from Cervantes spanning north, the Indian Ocean Drive offers a scenic journey to the coastal towns of Cervantes, Jurien Bay, Green Head, Leeman, Dongara and Port Denison. Cervantes is a short 2 hour drive from Perth. The Indian Ocean Drive is a scenic but quick road, making the area an excellent day trip destination or the first port of call on your journey north along Australis’ Coral Coast. These seaside towns are great short break destinations offering plenty of things to see and do on the coast and inland.

The best time to travel and take in the beauty is August to October to coincide with the stunning wildflowers.


Indian Ocean Drive is a coastal road in the Australian state of Western Australia that runs between Lancelin with the Brand Highway, just south of Dongara. Most of the road exists in the Wheatbelt coastal region.


Things to See and Do

  • Stop along the way to gaze in awe at the largest collection of wildflowers from August to October to coincide with the wildflowers season.
  • Visit the pristine beaches of Jurien Bay, Cervantes, Lancelin and more
  • See one of Australia’s most unique landscapes – the Pinnacles Desert
  • Camp on a pearl-white beach and experience a stunning coastal sunset
  • See some of Australia’s most unique coastal towns along the way