Ningaloo Station is a sheep station located in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia about 40 kilometres North of Coral Bay. It is bordered to the north by Cape Range National Park. The station has an area of approximately 50,000 hectares and offers accommodation to travellers to the area in the form of camp-sites.
Ningaloo WA 6701, about 12 hours north of Perth
Things to see and do
- See Ningaloo Reef- one of Ausltralia’s most colourful coral reefs
- Camp on a beach and see a stunning coastal sunset
- Snorkel and fish in sheltered coral bays
- Wildflowers – The Ningaloo coast, Cape Range and North West Cape nurture a large variety of flora, with more than 630 species recorded in the region. Sturt’s desert peas, purple mulla mullas, flannel bush, green birdflowers, rock growing Ficus and many other species may be seen. The general time wildflowers can be found is July-October (depending on rainfall).